Submission (#6358) Approved

15 October 2023, 17:48:42 UTC (11 months ago)
15 October 2023, 23:38:57 UTC (11 months ago) by flickermouse
And there she was, finally. Standing in front of the ominous passageway marked by the words "Zone-C". She had heard of this place throughout her travels here, be it by other adventurers, or the grunts and huffs of those she scurried passed. Zone-C, whatever that meant, filled with the unknown. Guarded by giant monstrosities. "PHAH!" She laughed to herself, stepping into the darkness ahead, herbivores are scarred of their own shadows, those Dacen's don't know fea-... A loud thud, followed by heavy footsteps, snorting, huffing and a deep rumbling hiss. She took a step back, and another and another. Backed out all the way into the brightly lit entry way. There, reflected by the light, she caught the shimmer of a set of eyes. Eyes set on her.

She scrambled, lost her footing and fell onto her forearms. The creature that resided in the dark, had made it's appearance in the light. It towered well above her, almost as tall as the ceiling itself //least from her perspective//. It looked at her, with beady eyes, with a glint of curiosity. "What's this?" It rumbled loud and deep, echoing off the walls. "A mouse?" It asked, as it leaned over her. Scared shitless, she was left frozen, her tongue stumbling over words. "N-no mouse!" She yipped. Eyeing behind the creature, only to notice two others creeping closer. She looked around, something.. ANYTHING!?

"Mouse is food?" It asked, she could hear the gurgle in his throat. "N-not food.." She said with a panic.. "I am.." - "I ammmmmm..." she panicked. "You areeeee" The acro asked impatiently. "I AM ENTERTAINMENT!" She yipped... //entertainment?? She thought to herself..// "Entertainment?" The acro echoed her inner thoughts. "Yes! Entertainment!" She yipped, getting onto her feet. "I'm a famous STORY TELLER from above!" She yelled. //loud people are always right, right??// she thought. "I bring stories, and..." Her eyes darted around... A paint bucket... "I grant you, one of my autographs!" She added...

Did she really just... bullshit her way outta this??
Reward Amount
Relic Bones 25
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

15 character EXP
No bonus character points
3157: Lamb

3157: Lamb

Reward Amount
Notebook (Items) 1
Towel (Items) 1
Acrocanthosaurus Egg (Items) 1
Quail (Items) 1
3945: Seki

3945: Seki

No rewards set.