Submission (#6785) Approved

28 October 2023, 10:39:16 UTC (10 months ago)
28 October 2023, 21:16:17 UTC (10 months ago) by flickermouse
Top left, Sterre flies around the waterfall trying to examine the weird stuff that's flowing within it.
Edit: added falling leaves and some flowers growing in the rocks
Won't ask for all of them but just out of curiosity if you're able to I'm just wondering what was/wasn't counted as a unique element or was it just bc there was nothing in the foreground?
Reward Amount
Relic Bones 10
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

13 character EXP
No bonus character points
3989: Sterre

3989: Sterre

Reward Amount
Driftwood (Items) 1
Broken Horn (Items) 1
Lava Rock (Items) 1
Heron (Items) 1