Submission (#6928) Approved

1 November 2023, 15:40:46 UTC (10 months ago)
2 November 2023, 17:53:55 UTC (10 months ago) by WesternHaunt
(More info on the particular point in battle in the description, but know that they have already gone a few rounds before this happened, Bonecrusher got singled out for just a moment. This is the lore for his tail scar (last one he got) so it’s depicted as a fresh wound (in progress) rather than a scar) (characters from left to right: Nightmare, Moros, Bonecrusher, Nidhogg, Killer)


(Yes they are standing basically on the reactor- because cool lighting and framing lol)
Reward Amount
Alpha Labs 1
Alpha Challenger 1
Relic Bones 35
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

18 character EXP
No bonus character points
4035: Bonecrusher

4035: Bonecrusher

Reward Amount
Alpha Cryopod (Items) 1
Towel (Items) 1
Notebook (Items) 1
Injury (Statuses) 1