Submission (#8013) Approved

28 November 2023, 20:38:25 UTC (9 months ago)
29 November 2023, 14:34:37 UTC (9 months ago) by flickermouse
Middle panel, Scythe and Mulberry play with one another and do a midnight race. Even though it is dark the two speed through the clouds and scare a few birds along the way.
Mullberry's crest is starting to grow in and so is Scythe's dimo marking
Reward Amount
Lava Rock 1
Relic Bones 10
Acorns 1
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

28 character EXP
No bonus character points
4297: Scythe

4297: Scythe

No rewards set.

This is an aging quest.

4281: Mulberry

4281: Mulberry

No rewards set.

This is an aging quest.