Submission (#8240) Approved

11 December 2023, 22:06:37 UTC (9 months ago)
12 December 2023, 22:29:47 UTC (9 months ago) by flickermouse
In an attempt to make herself useful in the Steelwater flock as winter set in, Polaris had gone out to find materials to bring back for the weavers. She'd found herself in a cave of ice and picked up a few things, which she'd draped around herself so that she could leave her beak free to carry even more. It was quite a beautiful place, if a little spooky. She'd even startled herself with her own reflection a couple times. She knew that she was pale, and had been referred to as "ghostly" more than once, but this was the first time that she'd really felt the part, too. A stranger that she encountered in the cave seemed to think the same, startled by her spectral appearance when she seemed to all but glow in the tinted light that filtered through the ice and cracks in the ceiling. The atopo was quite friendly, once they'd both calmed down and the atopo had realised that he wasn't seeing a creature from the beyond come back to haunt the ice.

Costume: Ghost [of Christmas Past]; using found materials for a more realistic approach rather than a full costume!

Colored: +3
Shaded: +3
Background: +5

Quest: +1
Personal Dino: +1
Other Dino: +1

Total: 14 EXP
Reward Amount
Relic Bones 25
Icicles 2
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

14 character EXP
No bonus character points
2782: Polaris

2782: Polaris

Reward Amount
Midnight Box (Items) 1
Cursed Candy (Items) 1
Small Spider (Items) 1
3528: Apple

3528: Apple

No rewards set.