Submission (#8367) Approved

14 December 2023, 15:59:12 UTC (9 months ago)
21 December 2023, 13:12:10 UTC (8 months ago) by flickermouse
Carving pumpkins was quickly becoming one of Duck’s least favored activity. Least of all because of how they tasted, but just how… gross their innards were. Cold, slimy, and what he’d assume jamming his fist in the maw of a fish would feel. Duck finished carving the jack-o-lanterns- final eye, popping it out with one quick poke of his claw, honestly just happy he was finally done dealing with the thing. Hefting the gourd onto the chosen pike, the older suchomimus couldn’t help but just look at it for a moment… Part of him wondered if that old legend was even true, if he’d done all this work for little more than a nesting ground rumor. Another part of him felt… proud for what he’d manage to achieve. It wasn’t the best carved pumpkin, but it was his, and he created it.
Artwork done by theradiantbeastl

EDIT - hopefully fixed! They tried a new way of shading; trying to shade the individual feathers :0
Reward Amount
Relic Bones 25
Icicles 2
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

11 character EXP
No bonus character points
3036: Oswald (Duck)

3036: Oswald (Duck)

Reward Amount
Flannel Box (Items) 1
Red Cabbage (Items) 1
Star Anise (Items) 1
Small Spider (Items) 1