Submission (#9725) Approved

28 January 2024, 05:27:30 UTC (8 months ago)
1 February 2024, 00:38:16 UTC (8 months ago) by WesternHaunt
As far back as he could remember, Ruaidhri was a stargazer. Whether it be floating aimlessly along the swamp with his mother, watching for shooting stars in the reflection of the dark waters, or staying up late with Bruno waxing philosophic (or as philosophic as children could get) about their place in the world during quiet summer nights. Even now, laying on a beach and so far from home, Ruai wanted nothing more than to share the special beauty of the stars with his adoptive daughter.
Reward Amount
Relic Bones 10
Icicles 1
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

13 character EXP
No bonus character points
2890: Ruaidhri

2890: Ruaidhri

Reward Amount
Coral (Items) 1
Tumbleweed (Items) 1
Snow Sprout (Awards) 1