Submission (#9905) Approved

11 February 2024, 19:15:28 UTC (11 months ago)
17 February 2024, 21:12:51 UTC (11 months ago) by WrenBaile
Top right panel - hatchling (inaruis) & juvenile (merlot)
One day during one of their strolls on the beach, Merlot and Zilpher came across a shivering, abandoned anteo. Zilpher wasn't too sure about bringing home a stray, but Merlot was insistent.
Looking back on this day, Inarius would forever be grateful for them saving his life

- Colored: +3 EXP
- Shaded: +3 EXP
- Background: +5 EXP

- Quest Submission Bonus: +1 EXP
- Personal Dinosaur Bonus: +2 EXP
- Other member’s Dino Bonus: +0.5 EXP

Total: 14.5 EXP
Reward Amount
Gull Feather 1
Relic Bones 10
Icicles 1
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

29 character EXP
No bonus character points
2591: Zilpher

2591: Zilpher

No rewards set.

2307: Tetarion

2307: Tetarion

No rewards set.

This is an aging quest.

3304: 🍷 Merlot 🍷

3304: 🍷 Merlot 🍷

No rewards set.

This is an aging quest.