Etherical-ARPG Etherical-ARPG

14 December 2021 (2 years ago)
07 Oct 1996

[ She | They ] - [ Newbie-Friendly | Commissioner | Artist | Writer | Roleplayer ]

A small Australian lady with a love for dinosaurs and an art degree. I'm always looking to commission art or literature of my dinosaurs, and like to offer free things or steep discounts to newbies. My favourite things are speculative biology, horror, fantasy, and roleplay. I'm always open to meeting new people as well as haggling over the price of things I have for sale. My favourite dinosaur available on Primeval-Age so far based on type is the following:

Terrestrial: Unknown
Aquatic: Atopodentatus
Aerial: Tropeognathus

If you want to talk about anything or make friends here's my social links:

Discord: Etherical#9743


663 Relic Bones
Milk Thistle
Makeover Formula
Milk Thistle
Gull Feather
Robin Applicator
No awards earned.
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