Ml (het form) | | MLML (hom form)Midline is a marking that spans across the middle section of a dinosaur

Shape and Placement

  • Can create stripes or blotches/spots, but only if they are near a larger area of color and appear to be coming off of it, not as separate shapes on their own.
  • Breaks or gaps in the marking are allowed as long as it still looks like a single cohesive marking.
  • Should remain somewhat natural in shape.
  • Can be as small as you like; as long as it's recognisable as Midline and at least touches the minimum range.


  • Het form must be one solid color.
  • Hom form can be two-toned with a gradient.
  • Can be any natural color.
  • Can be affected by color modifiers.

Allowed Edge Types

Midline is allowed one edge type from the below options


Het Midline with a hard edge

Hom Midline with a gradient edge and two-toned gradient

Midline with an irregular design and floating pieces

Midline made up of several floating pieces

This Midline is spaced out too far apart to be considered one cohesive marking

This Midline is too unnatural and appears tattoo-like


This midline is too unnatural as it looks like ribbon lacing

The shapes on the thigh of this Midline look more like a tattoo than a natural marking


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