Ml (het form) | | MLML (hom form)Midline is a marking that spans across the middle section of a dinosaur
Shape and Placement
- Can create stripes or blotches/spots, but only if they are near a larger area of color and appear to be coming off of it, not as separate shapes on their own.
- Breaks or gaps in the marking are allowed as long as it still looks like a single cohesive marking.
- Should remain somewhat natural in shape.
- Can be as small as you like; as long as it's recognisable as Midline and at least touches the minimum range.
- Het form must be one solid color.
- Hom form can be two-toned with a gradient.
- Can be any natural color.
- Can be affected by color modifiers.
Allowed Edge Types
Midline is allowed one edge type from the below options