<a href="https://www.primevalarpg.com/world/items/83" class="display-item">Skin Modifier</a>

Skin Modifier

Category: Geno Editor

Artist: Sluggo

Resale Value: 60 Relic Bones

When used on a dino it will change their body covering to the opposite type [bald --> feathered, feathered --> bald]

This item will also revert a dinosaur who posesses a Variant back to the basic form of that Variant.  [Ie:  Crested Variant --> Feathered, Spiked --> Bald, etc.]  If a user wishes to both revert a dinosaur back to a basic type and change the basic type [Ie: Crested --> Bald], they will have to purchase 2.

Changes cannot be undone; if user wishes to revert back to the original covering, they will have to purchase another Skin Modifier Item or Variant Applicator if a Variant was removed.