Helipad Ticket
These tickets can only be found in a Zone A of the Alpha Labs.
If you find one of these tickets, it means you've discovered the Helipad! You can use each ticket to explore this location one time.
[Event exclusive]
Mushroom Grove Ticket
These tickets can only be found in a Zone B of the Alpha Labs.
If you find one of these tickets, it means you've discovered the Mushroom Grove! You can use each ticket to explore this location one time.
[Event exclusive]
Test Site C2 Ticket
These tickets can only be found in a Zone C of the Alpha Labs.
If you find one of these tickets, it means you've discovered Test Site C2! You can use each ticket to explore this location one time.
[Event exclusive]
Graveyard Ticket
These tickets can only be found in a Zone D of the Alpha Labs.
If you find one of these tickets, it means you've discovered the Grave of the Ancients! You can use each ticket to explore this location one time.
[Event exclusive]
Map Scrap
A little piece of a larger whole. Perhaps if you find the rest of the pieces, you'll discover a greater treasure?
Scratched on the back you can see:
Eiiaiknewh; kb lhwyao sdeyd
Map Shred
A little piece of a larger whole. Perhaps if you find the rest of the pieces, you'll discover a greater treasure?
Scratched on the back you can see:
pnawoqnao wna owez
Map Fragment
A little piece of a larger whole. Perhaps if you find the rest of the pieces, you'll discover a greater treasure?
Scratched on the back you can see:
hea opehh wjz zaal
Map Remnant
A little piece of a larger whole. Perhaps if you find the rest of the pieces, you'll discover a greater treasure?
Scratched on the back you can see:
pk xa kb w Peia