This plant is so bitter that if you eat it, one marking of your choosing will be removed from the geno.
Bitteroot also applies to Minimal Markings and Parallel Dimorphic Applicator.
Purchaseable At:
Toxic Newt
Touching this newt causes a color change! You can choose any color for your dinosaur's dimorphic marking
Cannot be used by dinosaurs that have offspring. This change is permanent and cannot be undone with the use of a Makeover Formula or other items; another Newt would have to be purchased to undo this action.
Purchaseable At:
Sex Changer
This item can be used to change your dinosaur to the opposite sex. To undo this change, another Sex Changer must be applied.
This item must be used alongside a Makeover Formula!
Cannot be used on dinosaurs that have offspring.
Purchaseable At:
Skin Modifier
When used on a dino it will change their body covering to the opposite type [bald --> feathered, feathered --> bald]
This item will also revert a dinosaur who posesses a Variant back to the basic form of that Variant. [Ie: Crested Variant --> Feathered, Spiked --> Bald, etc.] If a user wishes to both revert a dinosaur back to a basic type and change the basic type [Ie: Crested --> Bald], they will have to purchase 2.
Changes cannot be undone; if user wishes to revert back to the original covering, they will have to purchase another Skin Modifier Item or Variant Applicator if a Variant was removed.
Rainbow Scarab
Requires a Makeover Formula if used on an import.
Feed this to your dinosaur to change their base color to a new, randomized color!
This action is permanent- be certain of your decision! Unlimited uses.
Ginger Root
This spicy root will allow you to remove one color modifier from your dinosaur if ingested!
This change is permanent and cannot be undone with the use of a Makover Formula or other items.
Purchaseable At:
Strange Stew
A special concoction made fresh by the Craftmaster just for you! He's a raccoon, not a chef.
Changes a chosen homozygous color modifier in your dinosaur's genotype to a heterozygous one when applied. This change is permanent and cannot be undone with the use of a Makover Formula or other items.
Noxious Newt
This newt's warning colors are telling you to back off! Handling this newt may have some consequences for you.
Use this newt on a male dinosaur to change the shape and location of the dimorphic marking!
1 use only. May only be used once per geno or import. Cannot be used on already-bred dinosaurs.
Let your soul be born anew.
Use this item on a geno to change its species! 1 use only.
This item can only be used on first-generation genos and imports which have not been bred yet.
You may select any species of the same or lower rarity to change a geno to. The change is permanent. There is no limit to the amount of times you can use Rebirth on a geno.
Herb Paste
A strong-smelling paste made of herbs and wild plants!
Use this item on a dinosaur and select one uncommon, rare, or primal marking to change to a random common marking. This change is permanent and cannot be undone with the use of a Makover Formula or other items.
Gene form stays the same- heterozygous genes will remain heterozygous, and homozygous will remain homozygous.
One use per geno/import
Requires a Makeover Formula if used on an import.
Hypnotic Cuttlefish
Apply this item to your dinosaur to change one chosen marking from heterozygous to homozygous form! This change is permanent and cannot be undone with the use of a Makover Formula or other items.
1 use only per import.