
<a href="" class="display-item">Midnight Box</a>

Midnight Box

Category: Box

Artist: BendustKas


A dark, ominous box...

Open it up and see what's inside!

<a href="" class="display-item">Buried Cache</a>

Buried Cache

Category: Box

Artist: WesternHaunt


A heavy chest found shallowly buried in the soil. What treasures might it hold?

<a href="" class="display-item">Bone Pile</a>

Bone Pile

Category: Box

Artist: WesternHaunt


A little wooden crate with some old bones inexplicably scattered around. What might it contain?

<a href="" class="display-item">Ripe Trashbag</a>

Ripe Trashbag

Category: Box

Artist: WesternHaunt


Yuck- hold your nose for this one! If you can withstand the smell, maybe you'll find something good inside?

<a href="" class="display-item">Tangled Netting</a>

Tangled Netting

Category: Box

Artist: WesternHaunt


Looks like the waves washed up this flotsam. What might you find caught up in these nets?

<a href="" class="display-item">Clockwork Box</a>

Clockwork Box

Category: Box

Artist: BendustKas


An audible ticking sound is coming from this box

This box can't be opened until Christmas Eve!

<a href="" class="display-item">Helipad Ticket</a>

Helipad Ticket

Category: Quest Items

Artist: BendustKas

Resale Value: 5 Relic Bones

These tickets can only be found in a Zone A of the Alpha Labs.

If you find one of these tickets, it means you've discovered the Helipad! You can use each ticket to explore this location one time.

[Event exclusive]

<a href="" class="display-item">Mushroom Grove Ticket</a>

Mushroom Grove Ticket

Category: Quest Items

Artist: BendustKas

Resale Value: 5 Relic Bones

These tickets can only be found in a Zone B of the Alpha Labs.

If you find one of these tickets, it means you've discovered the Mushroom Grove! You can use each ticket to explore this location one time.

[Event exclusive]

<a href="" class="display-item">Test Site C2 Ticket</a>

Test Site C2 Ticket

Category: Quest Items

Artist: BendustKas

Resale Value: 5 Relic Bones

These tickets can only be found in a Zone C of the Alpha Labs.

If you find one of these tickets, it means you've discovered Test Site C2! You can use each ticket to explore this location one time.

[Event exclusive]

<a href="" class="display-item">Graveyard Ticket</a>

Graveyard Ticket

Category: Quest Items

Artist: BendustKas

Resale Value: 5 Relic Bones

These tickets can only be found in a Zone D of the Alpha Labs.

If you find one of these tickets, it means you've discovered the Grave of the Ancients! You can use each ticket to explore this location one time.

[Event exclusive]

<a href="" class="display-item">Map Scrap</a>

Map Scrap

Category: Quest Items

Artist: WesternHaunt

A little piece of a larger whole. Perhaps if you find the rest of the pieces, you'll discover a greater treasure?

Scratched on the back you can see:

Eiiaiknewh; kb lhwyao sdeyd

<a href="" class="display-item">Map Shred</a>

Map Shred

Category: Quest Items

Artist: WesternHaunt

A little piece of a larger whole. Perhaps if you find the rest of the pieces, you'll discover a greater treasure?

Scratched on the back you can see:

pnawoqnao wna owez

<a href="" class="display-item">Map Fragment</a>

Map Fragment

Category: Quest Items

Artist: WesternHaunt

A little piece of a larger whole. Perhaps if you find the rest of the pieces, you'll discover a greater treasure?

Scratched on the back you can see:

hea opehh wjz zaal

<a href="" class="display-item">Map Remnant</a>

Map Remnant

Category: Quest Items

Artist: WesternHaunt

A little piece of a larger whole. Perhaps if you find the rest of the pieces, you'll discover a greater treasure?

Scratched on the back you can see:

pk xa kb w Peia


<a href="" class="display-item">Banana</a>


Artist: Tokkay

Resale Value: 2 Bananas

The best fruit out there!

<a href="" class="display-item">Test item</a>

Test item

Rarity: 1

Random Marking Applicator

For testing purposes only

256 results found.