
<a href="" class="display-item">Toxic Newt</a>

Toxic Newt

Category: Geno Editor

Artist: Sluggo

Touching this newt causes a color change! You can choose any color for your dinosaur's dimorphic marking

Cannot be used by dinosaurs that have offspring.  This change is permanent and cannot be undone with the use of a Makeover Formula or other items; another Newt would have to be purchased to undo this action.


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Bitterroot</a>


Category: Geno Editor

Artist: Sluggo

This plant is so bitter that if you eat it, one marking of your choosing will be removed from the geno.  
Bitteroot also applies to Minimal Markings and Parallel Dimorphic Applicator.


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Strange Stew</a>

Strange Stew

Category: Geno Editor

Artist: Sluggo

A special concoction made fresh by the Craftmaster just for you! He's a raccoon, not a chef.

Changes a chosen homozygous color modifier in your dinosaur's genotype to a heterozygous one when applied.  This change is permanent and cannot be undone with the use of a Makover Formula or other items.

<a href="" class="display-item">Ginger Root</a>

Ginger Root

Category: Geno Editor

Artist: Sluggo

This spicy root will allow you to remove one color modifier from your dinosaur if ingested!
This change is permanent and cannot be undone with the use of a Makover Formula or other items.


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Random Marking Applicator</a>

Random Marking Applicator

Category: Geno Editor

Artist: Tokkay

Random Marking Applicator

Requires a Makeover Formula if used on an import.

Applies a random marking to your dinosaur's geno.

Only 1 may be applied per dinosaur. Removing a randomized marking won't allow another use.

<a href="" class="display-item">Rainbow Scarab</a>

Rainbow Scarab

Category: Geno Editor

Artist: Tokkay

Rainbow Scarab

Requires a Makeover Formula if used on an import.

Feed this to your dinosaur to change their base color to a new, randomized color!

This action is permanent- be certain of your decision! Unlimited uses.

<a href="" class="display-item">Breeding Slot Applicator</a>

Breeding Slot Applicator

Category: Geno Editor

Artist: Sluggo

A major boost to your dinosaur's fertility! Adds 1 breeding slot to a chosen dinosaur!

<a href="" class="display-item">Makeover Formula</a>

Makeover Formula

Category: Import Editor

Artist: Sluggo

Check out the Makeover Formula Guide Here!

This beverage is so strong that completely erases the identity of a dino, essentially reverting it back to the Genotype state.

If a Makeover Formula is used, a user must legalize any illegal markings or features.  This includes marking colors, shapes, edge-types, etc.  The original base coat can remain the same, however, that too can be legalized to the base color in the imports description on this website.  This includes adding in both sides of an import if the import is asymetrical if the import did not have it previously.  

If a Makeover Formula is used, a user must put the dinosaur's new design on the New Lineart; old linearts cannot be used with Makeover Formulas or any new imports.

A Makeover Formula is not needed to remove Scar Applicators or Accessory Applicators.  They also do not remove Minimal Markings.  
Use this item to completely redesign an import. Using the Makeover Formula allows geno editor items and marking applicators to be used when redesigning. 


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Hemlock</a>


Category: Import Editor

Artist: Sluggo

It may look pretty, but if your dino eats this flower it will lose its memory!

Resets all character progress to 0

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<a href="" class="display-item">Glowing Mushroom</a>

Glowing Mushroom

Category: Import Editor

Artist: Sluggo

If you eat this mushroom, your dino's eye color will change! Use this to change, shade, update, etc. the eye color of an existing import without the need of a Makeover Formula!

You are not required to legalize a design or transfer it onto the new lineart if you use a Glowing Mushroom.

Cannot be undone; a new Glowing Mushroom would have to be used to change the eye color again.  


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Frostbite Applicator</a>

Frostbite Applicator

Category: Min. Marks

Artist: Sluggo


Applies the minimal marking Frostbite to a dinosaur of your choosing.

! This item is seasonal ! It can only be found in Winter Wares.


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Cap Applicator</a>

Cap Applicator

Category: Min. Marks

Artist: Sluggo


Applies the minimum marking Cap to a dinosaur.


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Heart Applicator</a>

Heart Applicator

Category: Min. Marks

Artist: Sluggo


Applies the minimum marking Heart to a dinosaur.


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Chin Applicator</a>

Chin Applicator

Category: Min. Marks

Artist: Sluggo


Applies the minimum marking Chin to a dinosaur.


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Sunkissed Applicator</a>

Sunkissed Applicator

Category: Min. Marks


Applies the minimal marking Sunkissed to a dinosaur of your choosing.

! This item is seasonal ! It can only be found in the Summer Market



Summer Market

Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Tips Applicator</a>

Tips Applicator

Category: Min. Marks


Applies the minimal marking Tips to a dinosaur of your choosing.

! This item is seasonal ! It can only be found in the Summer Market



Summer Market

Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Blaze Applicator</a>

Blaze Applicator

Category: Min. Marks

Artist: Sluggo


Applies the minimum marking Blaze to a dinosaur.


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Robin Applicator</a>

Robin Applicator

Category: Min. Marks

Artist: Sluggo


Applies the minimal marking Robin to a dinosaur of your choosing.

! This item is seasonal ! It can only be found in Spring Delights.



Spring Delights

Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Blanket Applicator</a>

Blanket Applicator

Category: Min. Marks

Artist: Sluggo


Applies the minimal marking Blanket to a dinosaur of your choosing.

! This item is seasonal ! It can only be found in Winter Wares.


Purchaseable At:

<a href="" class="display-item">Brows Applicator</a>

Brows Applicator

Category: Min. Marks

Artist: Sluggo


Applies the minimum marking Brows to a dinosaur.


Purchaseable At:

255 results found.