Small Scar Applicator
Apply any amount of small scars to an import. This can cover up to 15% of a dinosaur.
This item can be applied to imports on old linearts. This item does not require a makeover formula to apply. To remove, simply submit an Import Update without the applicator shown! Upon removal, the item will be deleted and not returned to the users inventory.
1 Use.
Purchaseable At:
Large Scar Applicator
Apply large scars to an import. This can cover up to 40% of an import.
This item can be applied to imports on old linearts. This item does not require a makeover formula to apply. To remove, simply submit an Import Update without the applicator shown! Upon removal, the item will be deleted and not returned to the users inventory
1 Use.
Breeding Slot Applicator
A major boost to your dinosaur's fertility!
Adds 1 breeding slot to a chosen dinosaur.
No use limit.
Random Marking Applicator
Requires a Makeover Formula if used on an import.
Applies a random marking to your dinosaur's geno.
Only 1 may be applied per dinosaur. Removing a randomized marking won't allow another use.
Skyward Applicator
Your dinosaur will be flying high with these colors!
Adds the Skyward color modifier to your dinosaur. Player's choice of heterozygous or homozygous form.
Verdant Applicator
You won't be-leaf how good your dinosaur looks with these colors!
Adds the Verdant color modifier to your dinosaur. Player's choice of heterozygous or homozygous form.
Luminous Applicator
A radiant addition to your dinosaur's colors!
Adds the Luminous color modifier to your dinosaur. Player's choice of heterozygous or homozygous form.
Floral Applicator
These colors will allow your dinosaur to truly blossom!
Adds the Floral color modifier to your dinosaur. Player's choice of heterozygous or homozygous form.
Tropical Applicator
Perfect colors for your dinosaur's summer vacation!
Adds the Tropical color modifier to your dinosaur. Player's choice of heterozygous or homozygous form.
Volcanic Applicator
Your dinosaur will be looking hot with these colors!
Adds the Volcanic color modifier to your dinosaur. Player's choice of heterozygous or homozygous form.
Oceanic Applicator
Just wait 'til you sea these colors on your dinosaur!
Adds the Oceanic color modifier to your dinosaur. Player's choice of heterozygous or homozygous form.
Abyssal Applicator
These colors will add new depths to your dinosaur!
Adds the Abyssal color modifier to your dinosaur. Player's choice of heterozygous or homozygous form.
Toxic Applicator
Your dinosaur will be positively glowing with these colors!
Adds the Toxic color modifier to your dinosaur. Player's choice of heterozygous or homozygous form.
Fiery Applicator
Use these colors to add a bit of flare to your dinosaur!
Adds the Fiery color modifier to your dinosaur. Player's choice of heterozygous or homozygous form.
Celestial Applicator
These colors will make your dinosaur the star of the show!
Adds the Celestial color modifier to your dinosaur. Player's choice of heterozygous or homozygous form.
Nocturnal Applicator
Become one with the night when you use these colors!
Adds the Nocturnal color modifier to your dinosaur. Player's choice of heterozygous or homozygous form.
Small Accessory Applicator
Use this applicator on your dinosaur to add a small accessory!
See the accessories guide here
This item can be applied to imports on old linearts. This item does not require a makeover formula to apply. To remove, simply submit an Import Update without the applicator shown! Upon removal, the item will be deleted and not returned to the users inventory
1 use only. May use up to 3 per dinosaur.
Mottled Applicator
Category: Applicator
Rarity: 4
Use this applicator to apply the Mottled marking to a dinosaur of your choice!
Het. and Hom. form is up to chance.
One use only per geno/import.
Requires a Makeover Formula if used on an import.
Scruffy Applicator
Apply to a geno or import to change their variant to Scruffy!
Requires a Makeover Formula if used on an import.
Purchaseable At:
Crested Applicator
Apply to a geno or import to change their variant to Crested!
Requires a Makeover Formula if used on an import.